Fundamentals of Electric Motors and Transformers
Motors and transformers are the key driving force for industrial and residential appliances.We can’t even imagine an industry without motors and transformers. In industry all types of linear or rotational force, movement, torque, etc are applied by motors. Industries are getting automated day by day, hence the use of motors are increasing with the same pace. The power supply to any medium or large scale industry comes through transformer as the utilities prefer to supply at higher grid voltage. Maximum portion of power that is consumed in any industry is by motors. So the efficiency is a great issue for an industry owner to think about. The efficiency of the major consumer, the motor must be of as high as possible. The efficiency of the transformer, through which all the power is consumed, must also be near 100 percent. So every personnel related to the decision making in industry must have the knowledge regarding the energy efficiency issue for motors and transformers.
To discuss about the operation of motors and transformers we must know the basic principles of Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic induction. According to Faraday if there is any rate of change of flux incorporated inside a conducting loop then there will be an EMF, hence voltage induced in the loop. If the loop is shorted or connected end to end, then a current will flow through the conductor. The current will flow in such a direction so that the rate of change of flux created due to this current will try to nullify the rate of change of flux which is responsible for creating this current. This theory is the core of all machines. Transformer is a non-rotational device and motor is a rotational machine. Faraday’s law is equally applied to both of these machines. So we first need to know how we can apply the same theory to all the requirements in the industry and other household appliances. To explain the operation of transformer and motor we need to follow the following basics:
Straight Conductor
Transformers and motors are all constructed by coils which are nothing but a wire or more scientifically we can say a conductor. If we apply AC voltages across a straight conductor shown in figure 1, then if the AC voltage source is capable of supplying sufficient current to burn the conductor, it is certain that the conductor will burn. Because it has a lower resistance and Ohm’s law will not hesitate to burn it! So the result is clear that the wire will burn within a second. Now the question is, what happens when a coil or an inductor, made with the same conductor, never burns with the AC source applied across it.
An inductor is just a conductor which is twisted to make a coil. If we supply AC source across an inductor as shown in figure 2, it never burns. From Faraday’s law we know, if a rate of change of flux is cut through a loop of conductor then an EMF is induced across it. In case of inductor the applied AC source tries to flow an alternating current through it. Due to this alternating current an alternating flux is created inside the loop. This alternating flux will induce an EMF across the inductor. The more current will flow the more EMF will induce across it. But this induced voltage cannot exceed the applied voltage. So that amount of current will flow across the inductor which can induce the same amount of the applied voltage. This fact ascertains that the current will not increase to an abrupt value. As a result the inductor doesn't burn.
A transformer is an extended version of an inductor. The flux that is created inside the inductor is used here to induce voltages at other coil, which is termed as secondary coil. If the rate of change of flux can induce voltage across the primary coil, from which it is created, then it is also possible to induce voltage across secondary coil, provided that we can pull the flux to flow through the other coil. The rate of change of flux will induce voltage as many turn we use. If the turn is double the turn in primary then the voltage will also be double. If we increase the number of secondary coils, then voltage will be induced in all the secondary coils according to the number of turns present in each secondary coil. We can increase or decrease the secondary voltage level according to our requirement. If the secondary voltage is increased then it is called step up transformer and for the decreasing case it is called step down transformer. Each secondary voltage will act as a separate voltage source. Here the other advantage we get from a transformer is that each secondary voltage source is an isolated voltage source. There is no electrical connection between the primary and the secondary. Whatever voltage level is that, the secondary is totally an isolated part.
A motor is an extended version of a transformer. Here we can introduce the analogy between a transformer and a motor that is a motor is like a transformer with a moving secondary. The primary that is not moving is called stator and the secondary that is moving is called rotor. The type of motor that is used worldwide with a greater percentage is the three phase induction motor.
The principle is somewhat like a transformer. If we place three coil at 120 degree physical alignment and also apply three phase ac supply which is also with 120 degree electrical phase relation, then the resultant flux, that is created from the vectorial space summation of the three phase fluxes, will rotate at the frequency of the supply voltage. Here the magnitude of the flux is same throughout the rotation. Now this revolving flux will cut the rotor and there will be an induced voltage across the rotor as well. As the rotor is short circuited there will be a flow of current through the short circuited loop. This current will create a flux which will interact with the revolving flux. There will be a force exerted upon this flux from the rotor. The current in the rotor will flow in such a direction so that it can decrease the rate of change of flux from which it is created. As a result the rotor will try to revolve in the direction of the revolving flux to reduce the rate of change of flux cut. When the rotor revolves then the relative velocity with the stator decrease and the rotor will rotate with a slip so that it can provide the necessary torque of the load.
Types and Applications of Transformers
Auto Transformers
An auto transformer has only a single winding with two end terminals, plus a third at an intermediate tap point. The primary voltage is applied across two of the terminals, and the secondary voltage taken from one of these and the third terminal. The primary and secondary circuits therefore have a number of winding turns in common. An adjustable auto transformer is made by the secondary connection through a sliding brush, giving a variable turns ratio.
To calculate the cost of these losses, they need to be converted to the
moment of purchase by assigning capital
values, to be able to put them into the same perspective as the purchase price. This is called the
Total Capitalized Cost of the losses, TCC loss. This can be calculated using the formula
Motors and transformers are the key driving force for industrial and residential appliances.We can’t even imagine an industry without motors and transformers. In industry all types of linear or rotational force, movement, torque, etc are applied by motors. Industries are getting automated day by day, hence the use of motors are increasing with the same pace. The power supply to any medium or large scale industry comes through transformer as the utilities prefer to supply at higher grid voltage. Maximum portion of power that is consumed in any industry is by motors. So the efficiency is a great issue for an industry owner to think about. The efficiency of the major consumer, the motor must be of as high as possible. The efficiency of the transformer, through which all the power is consumed, must also be near 100 percent. So every personnel related to the decision making in industry must have the knowledge regarding the energy efficiency issue for motors and transformers.
To discuss about the operation of motors and transformers we must know the basic principles of Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic induction. According to Faraday if there is any rate of change of flux incorporated inside a conducting loop then there will be an EMF, hence voltage induced in the loop. If the loop is shorted or connected end to end, then a current will flow through the conductor. The current will flow in such a direction so that the rate of change of flux created due to this current will try to nullify the rate of change of flux which is responsible for creating this current. This theory is the core of all machines. Transformer is a non-rotational device and motor is a rotational machine. Faraday’s law is equally applied to both of these machines. So we first need to know how we can apply the same theory to all the requirements in the industry and other household appliances. To explain the operation of transformer and motor we need to follow the following basics:
Straight Conductor
Transformers and motors are all constructed by coils which are nothing but a wire or more scientifically we can say a conductor. If we apply AC voltages across a straight conductor shown in figure 1, then if the AC voltage source is capable of supplying sufficient current to burn the conductor, it is certain that the conductor will burn. Because it has a lower resistance and Ohm’s law will not hesitate to burn it! So the result is clear that the wire will burn within a second. Now the question is, what happens when a coil or an inductor, made with the same conductor, never burns with the AC source applied across it.
An inductor is just a conductor which is twisted to make a coil. If we supply AC source across an inductor as shown in figure 2, it never burns. From Faraday’s law we know, if a rate of change of flux is cut through a loop of conductor then an EMF is induced across it. In case of inductor the applied AC source tries to flow an alternating current through it. Due to this alternating current an alternating flux is created inside the loop. This alternating flux will induce an EMF across the inductor. The more current will flow the more EMF will induce across it. But this induced voltage cannot exceed the applied voltage. So that amount of current will flow across the inductor which can induce the same amount of the applied voltage. This fact ascertains that the current will not increase to an abrupt value. As a result the inductor doesn't burn.
A transformer is an extended version of an inductor. The flux that is created inside the inductor is used here to induce voltages at other coil, which is termed as secondary coil. If the rate of change of flux can induce voltage across the primary coil, from which it is created, then it is also possible to induce voltage across secondary coil, provided that we can pull the flux to flow through the other coil. The rate of change of flux will induce voltage as many turn we use. If the turn is double the turn in primary then the voltage will also be double. If we increase the number of secondary coils, then voltage will be induced in all the secondary coils according to the number of turns present in each secondary coil. We can increase or decrease the secondary voltage level according to our requirement. If the secondary voltage is increased then it is called step up transformer and for the decreasing case it is called step down transformer. Each secondary voltage will act as a separate voltage source. Here the other advantage we get from a transformer is that each secondary voltage source is an isolated voltage source. There is no electrical connection between the primary and the secondary. Whatever voltage level is that, the secondary is totally an isolated part.
A motor is an extended version of a transformer. Here we can introduce the analogy between a transformer and a motor that is a motor is like a transformer with a moving secondary. The primary that is not moving is called stator and the secondary that is moving is called rotor. The type of motor that is used worldwide with a greater percentage is the three phase induction motor.
The principle is somewhat like a transformer. If we place three coil at 120 degree physical alignment and also apply three phase ac supply which is also with 120 degree electrical phase relation, then the resultant flux, that is created from the vectorial space summation of the three phase fluxes, will rotate at the frequency of the supply voltage. Here the magnitude of the flux is same throughout the rotation. Now this revolving flux will cut the rotor and there will be an induced voltage across the rotor as well. As the rotor is short circuited there will be a flow of current through the short circuited loop. This current will create a flux which will interact with the revolving flux. There will be a force exerted upon this flux from the rotor. The current in the rotor will flow in such a direction so that it can decrease the rate of change of flux from which it is created. As a result the rotor will try to revolve in the direction of the revolving flux to reduce the rate of change of flux cut. When the rotor revolves then the relative velocity with the stator decrease and the rotor will rotate with a slip so that it can provide the necessary torque of the load.
Types and Applications of Transformers
Auto Transformers
An auto transformer has only a single winding with two end terminals, plus a third at an intermediate tap point. The primary voltage is applied across two of the terminals, and the secondary voltage taken from one of these and the third terminal. The primary and secondary circuits therefore have a number of winding turns in common. An adjustable auto transformer is made by the secondary connection through a sliding brush, giving a variable turns ratio.
Poly Phase Transformers
For three-phase power, three separate single-phase
transformers can be used, or all three phases can be connected to a single poly phase transformer.
In this case, the magnetic circuits are connected together, the core thus containing
a three-phase flow of flux. The three primary winding are connected together and the
three secondary winding are connected together. The most common connections are Y-∆, ∆-Y, ∆-∆ and Y-Y. If a winding
is connected to earth (grounded), the earth connection point is usually the
center point of a Y winding.
Leakage Transformers
A leakage transformer, also called a stray-field
transformer, has a significantly higher leakage
inductance than other transformers, sometimes increased by a magnetic bypass or shunt in its core between primary and secondary, which is sometimes adjustable
with a set screw. This provides a transformer with an
inherent current limitation due to the loose coupling between its primary and the
secondary winding. The output and input currents are low enough to prevent thermal
overload under all load conditions - even if the secondary is shorted. Leakage
transformers are used for arc welding and high voltage discharge lamps.
Resonant Transformers
A resonant transformer is a
kind of the leakage transformer. It uses the leakage inductance of its secondary winding in combination with
external capacitors, to create one or more resonant circuits. Resonant transformers such as the Tesla coil can
generate very high voltages, and are
able to provide much higher current than electrostatic high-voltage generation machines such as the Van de Graaff
Instrument Transformers
A current transformer is a measurement device designed to
provide a current in its secondary
coil proportional to the current flowing in its primary. Current transformers
are commonly used in metering and protective
relaying, where they facilitate the safe measurement of large currents. The current transformer isolates
measurement and control circuitry from the high voltages typically
present on the circuit being measured. Voltage transformers (VT) also referred to
as potential transformers (PT) are used for metering and protection in high-voltage circuits. They are designed to present
negligible load to the supply being measured and to have a precise
voltage ratio to accurately step down high voltages so that metering and
protective relay equipment can be operated at a lower potential.
Zigzag Transformers
zigzag transformer is a special purpose transformer. It has primary winding but no secondary winding. One application
is to derive
an earth reference
point for an un-grounded electrical system. Another is to control harmonic currents.
Pulse Transformers
A pulse transformer is a transformer that is optimized for
transmitting rectangular electrical pulses (that is, pulses with fast rise and
fall times and constant amplitude). Small versions called signal types are used in digital logic and telecommunications
circuits, often for
matching logic drivers to transmission lines. Medium-sized power versions are
used in power-control circuits such as camera flash controllers. Larger power versions
are used in the electrical power distribution industry to
interface low-voltage control circuitry to the high-voltage gates of power semiconductors. Special high voltage pulse
transformers are also used to generate high power pulses for
radar, particle accelerators, or other high energy pulsed power applications.
Speaker Transformers
In the same way that transformers are used to create high
voltage power transmission circuits that minimize transmission losses,
speaker transformers allow many individual loudspeakers to be powered from a
single audio circuit operated at higher-than normal speaker voltages.
This application is common in public address applications. Such circuits are commonly referred to as constant voltage or
70 volt speaker circuits although the audio waveform is obviously a constantly changing voltage.
Isolation Transformers
An isolation transformer is a device that transfers energy from the alternating current (AC) supply to an electrical or electronic load. It isolates the winding to prevent transmitting certain types of harmonics.
Buck Boost Transformers
Buck Boost Transformers make small adjustments to the
incoming voltage. They are often used to change voltage from 208 v to 240 v for
lighting applications. One major
advantages of Buck boost transformers are their low cost, compact size and
light weight.
Pad Mounted Transformers
Pad Mounted Transformers are usually single phase or three
phase and is used where safety is a main concern. Typical
Application is restaurant, commercial building, shopping mall,
Pole Mounted Transformers
Pole Mounted Transformers are used for distribution in
areas with overhead primary lines. Outside a typical house one can see one of
these devices mounted on the top of an electrical pole.
Oil-filled transformers
transformers are transformers that use insulating oil as insulating
materials. The oil helps cool the transformer. Because it also provides part of the
electrical insulation between internal
live parts, transformer oil must remain stable at high temperatures over an extended period.
Dry type transformers
Dry type transformers require minimum maintenance to
provide many years of reliable trouble free service. Unlike liquid fill
transformers which are cooled with oil or fire resistant liquid
dielectric, dry type units utilize only environmentally safe, CSA and UL recognized high
temperature insulation systems. Dry type transformers provide a safe and
reliable power source which does not require fire proof vaults, catch basins or
the venting of toxic gasses. These important
safety factors allow the installation of dry type transformers inside
buildings close to the load, which improves overall system regulation and reduces costly secondary line losses.
Dry type transformers are a rather mature product and
technology but, of all the components
in a power system, a transformer replacement can be a physically challenging event, extended delivery of a replacement or
repair unit and expensive transportation costs. These are transformers whose
core and coils are not immersed in insulating oil. Fire-resistant
dry type or "cast resin" transformers are well suited for installation
in high rise buildings, hospitals, underground tunnels, school, steel factories,
chemical plants and places where fire safety
is a great concern. Hazard free to the environment, dry type transformers have over the years proven to be
highly reliable.
“Dry type” simply means it
is cooled by normal air ventilation. The dry type transformer does not require a liquid such as oil or silicone
or any other liquid to cool the electrical core and coils.
Efficiency and Costing
reduce the voltage of the electricity supplied by the utility to a level
suitable for use by the electric equipment. Since all
of the electricity used by a company passes through a transformer, even a small
efficiency improvement will result in significant electricity savings. High-efficiency
transformers are now available that can reduce total electricity use by approximately 1
percent. Reduced electricity use provides cost savings for a company.
Two types of energy losses occur in
transformers:Load Losses and No-Load Losses.
Load Losses result from resistance in the copper or
aluminum winding. Load losses (also called
winding losses) vary with the square of the electrical current (or load)
flowing through the winding. At low
loads (e.g. under 30 percent loading), core losses account for the majority of losses, but as the load increases,
winding losses quickly dominate and account for 50 to 90 percent of transformer
losses at full load. Winding losses can be reduced through improved conductor design, including proper materials
selection and increases in the amount
of copper conductor employed.
No-Load Losses result from resistance in the transformer's laminated steel core. These losses
(also called core losses) occur whenever a transformer is energized and remain essentially
constant regardless of how much electric power is flowing through it. To reduce
core losses, high-efficiency transformers are designed with a better grade of
core steel and with thinner core lamination than
standard-efficiency models.Total
transformer losses are a combination of the core and winding losses.
Unfortunately, some efforts to reduce winding
losses increase core losses and vice verse. For example, increasing the amount of conductor used reduces
the winding losses, but it may necessitate using a larger core, which would increase core losses. Manufacturers are
developing techniques that optimize
these losses based on the expected loading.
Annual energy losses and cost of these losses
The annual energy losses of a transformer can be estimated
from the following formula
W loss
=8760(Po+Pk L)^2
Where,W Loss
- is the annual energy loss in kWh.
Po - is the no-load
loss in kW.
Pk - is the short-circuit loss (or load loss)
in kW.
L - is the average per-unit load on the transformer.
8760 - is the
number of hours in a year.
C - is the estimated average cost per kWh in each year.
- is the estimated interest rate.
n - is the expected life time of the
Cycle Cost of Transformers
To perform the economical analysis of
transformer, it is necessary to calculate its life cycle cost, sometimes called total cost of ownership, over the life span
of transformer or, in other words, the capitalized cost of the transformer. All these terms mean
the same - in one formula, costs of purchasing, operating
and maintaining the transformer need to be compared taking into account the time value of money. The concept of the
‘time value of money’ is that a sum of money received today has a higher value - because it is
available to be exploited - than a similar sum of money
received at some future date. In practice, some simplification can be made.
While each transformer will have its own purchase price and loss factors, other costs, such as installation, maintenance and
decommissioning will be similar for similar technologies and can be eliminated from the calculation.
Only when different technologies are compared e.g. air cooled dry type transformers with
oil cooled transformers will these elements need to be
taken into account. Taking only purchase price and the cost of losses into account the Total Cost of Ownership can be
= PP
+ APo+ BPk
PP - is
the purchase price of transformer,
A - represents the assigned cost of no-load losses per
- is the rated no-load loss,
B - is the assigned cost of load losses per watt,
Pk - is the rated load loss.
and Applications of Motors
Three Phase AC Induction Motors
Where a poly phase electrical supply is available, the
three-phase (or poly phase) AC induction motor is commonly used, especially
for higher-powered motors. The phase differences between the three phases of the
poly phase electrical supply create a rotating electromagnetic
field in the motor.Through electromagnetic induction, the time
changing and reversing (alternating
in direction poly phase currents) rotating magnetic
field induces a time changing and reversing (alternating in direction)current in the conductors in the
rotor; this sets up a time changing and
counterbalancing moving electromagnetic field that causes the rotor to turn in the direction the field is rotating. The
rotor always moves (rotates) slightly behind the phase peak of the primary magnetic field of the stator and is thus always
moving slower than
the rotating magnetic field produced by the poly phase electrical supply.
Induction motors are the workhorses of industry and motors
up to about 500 kW (670 horsepower) in output are produced in highly
standardized frame sizes, making them nearly completely interchangeable between
manufacturers. Very large induction motors are capable of tens of thousands of
kW in output, for pipeline compressors, wind-tunnel drives and overland
conveyor systems.There are two types of rotors used in induction motors:
squirrel cage rotors and wound rotors.
Squirrel cage rotor
common AC motors use the squirrel cage rotor, which will be found in virtually
all domestic and light industrial alternating
current motors. The squirrel cage takes its name from its shape - a ring
at either end of the rotor, with bars connecting the rings running the length of the rotor. It is typically cast aluminum
or copper poured between the iron laminates
of the rotor, and usually only the end rings will be visible.
Wound rotor
An alternate design, called the wound rotor, is used when
variable speed is required. In this
case, the rotor has the same number of poles as the stator and the winding are
made of wire, connected to slip rings on the
shaft. Carbon brushes connect the slip rings to an external controller such as a
variable resistor that allows changing the motor's slip rate.
Three Phase AC synchronous Motor
If connections to the rotor coils of a three-phase motor
are taken out on slip-rings and fed a separate field current to create a continuous magnetic
field (or if the rotor consists of a permanent
magnet), the result is called a synchronous motor because the rotor will rotate synchronously with the rotating magnetic
field produced by the poly phase electrical supply. The synchronous motor can
also be used as an AC generator or alternator.One use for this type of motor is its use in a power
factor correction scheme. They are referred to as synchronous condensers. This
exploits a feature of the machine where it consumes power at a leading power factor
when its rotor is over excited. It thus appears to the supply to be a capacitor, and could thus be used to correct the
lagging power factor that is usually
presented to the electric supply by inductive loads. The excitation is adjusted
until a near unity power factor is obtained (often automatically). Machines
used for this purpose are easily identified
as they have no shaft extensions. Synchronous motors are valued in any case because their power factor
is much better than that of induction motors,
making them preferred for very high power applications.
Two-phase AC servo motor
typical two-phase AC servo motor has a squirrel-cage rotor and a field
consisting of two winding a constant-voltage (AC) main winding and a control-voltage (AC) winding in
quadrature with the main winding as to produce a rotating magnetic field. The
electrical resistance of the rotor is
made high intentionally so that the speed-torque curve is fairly linear.Two-phase
servo motors are inherently high-speed-torque
devices, heavily geared
down to drive the load.
Single phase AC Induction Motor
Three-phase motors inherently produce a rotating magnetic
field. However, when only single-phase power is available, the rotating magnetic
field must be produced using other means. Several methods are commonly use. A common
single-phase motor is the shaded-pole motor, which is used in devices requiring low starting torque, such as
electric fans or other small household appliances. In this motor, small
single-turn copper "shading coils" create the moving magnetic field. Another common
single-phase AC motor is the split-phase
induction motor, commonly used in major appliances such as washing machines and clothes dryers.Compared to the shaded pole
motor, these motors can generally provide much greater starting torque by using
a special start-up winding in conjunction with a centrifugal switch. Another variation
is the permanent-split capacitor (PSC) motor (also known as a capacitor start and run
motor). This motor operates similarly to the capacitor-start motor described above, but there
is no centrifugal starting switch, and the start winding (second winding) are
permanently connected to the power source (through a capacitor), along with the run
winding. PSC motors are frequently used in air handlers, blowers, and fans (including ceiling
fans) and other cases where a variable speed is desired.
Repulsion motors
Repulsion motors are wound-rotor single-phase AC motors
that are similar to universal motors. In a repulsion motor, the armature
brushes are shorted together rather than connected in series with the field.
Single Phase AC Synchronous Motors
Small single-phase AC motors can also be designed with
magnetized rotors (or several variations on that idea). The rotors in these
motors do not require any induced current so they do not slip
backward against the mains frequency. Instead, they rotate synchronously with
the mains frequency. Because of their highly accurate speed, such motors are
usually used to power mechanical clocks, audio turntables, and
tape drives; formerly they were also much used in accurate timing instruments
such as strip-chart recorders or telescope drive mechanisms. The shaded-pole
synchronous motor is one version.
Brushed DC Electric Motor
A brushed DC motor is an
internally commutated electric motor designed to be run from a DC power source.
Reluctance Motor
A reluctance motor is a type of synchronous electric motor which induces non-permanent magnetic poles on the ferromagnetic rotor. Torque is generated through the phenomenon of magnetic reluctance. A reluctance motor, in its various incarnations, may be known as a:
Reluctance Motor
A reluctance motor is a type of synchronous electric motor which induces non-permanent magnetic poles on the ferromagnetic rotor. Torque is generated through the phenomenon of magnetic reluctance. A reluctance motor, in its various incarnations, may be known as a:
- Synchronous Reluctance motor
- Variable Reluctance motor
- Switched Reluctance motor (SRM)
- Variable Reluctance Stepping motor
Uni-Polar Motor
A Uni-Polar motor is a type of small DC electric motor commonly found in small,
portable cassette players. Its name is derived from its construction, which
employs a magnetic strip wrapped around the
inner wall of the housing such that one of its poles faces the inside, while the other faces outward.
Linear Motor
A linear motor or linear induction motor is essentially a multiphase alternating current electric motor that has had its stator
"unrolled" so that instead of producing a torque it produces a linear force along its length. When a linear
motor is used to accelerate beams of ions or subatomic particles, it is called a particle
accelerator. The design is usually rather different as the particles move close to the speed
of light and are generally electrically charged.
Brush less DC Electric Motor
A Brush less DC motor (BLDC) is a synchronous electric
motor which is powered by direct-current electricity (DC) and which has an
electronically controlled commutation system, instead of a mechanical commutation system based
on brushes. In such motors, current
and torque, voltage and rpm are linearly related. BLDC motors can potentially
be deployed in any area currently fulfilled by
brushed DC motors. Cost and control complexity prevents BLDC motors from replacing brushed motors in most
common areas of use. Nevertheless, BLDC motors have come to dominate many applications:
Consumer devices such as computer hard drives, CD/DVD players, and PC cooling fans use
BLDC motors almost exclusively. Low speed, low
power brush less DC motors are used in direct-drive turntables. High power BLDC
motors are found in electric vehicles and some industrial machinery.
These motors are
essentially AC synchronous
motors with permanent magnet rotors.
Stepper Motor
A stepper
motor (or step motor) is a brush less, synchronous electric motor that can
divide a full rotation into a large number of steps. Computer-controlled stepper
motors are one of the most versatile forms of positioning systems. They are typically digitally
controlled as part of an open loop system, and are simpler
and more rugged than closed loop servo systems.Industrial applications are in high speed pick and place equipment and
multiaxis machine CNC machines often directly driving lead screws or ball
screws. In the field of lasers and optics
they are frequently used in precision positioning equipment such as linear
actuators, linear stages, rotation stages, goniometers, and mirror mounts.
Other uses are in packaging machinery, and positioning
of valve pilot stages for fluid control systems Commercially,
stepper motors are used in floppy disk drives, flatbed scanners, computer printers, plotters and many more devices.
Step 1 : Know the Load Characteristics
For line-operated motors, loads fall into three general
categories: constant torque, torque that changes abruptly, and torque that change
gradually over time.Bulk material conveyors, extrudes positive displacement
pumps, and compressors without air loaders run at relatively steady
levels of torque. Sizing a motor for these applications is simple once the torque
(or horsepower) for the application is known. Load demands by elevators, compactors, punch presses, saws, and batch
conveyors change abruptly from low to high in a short time, often in a
fraction of a second. The most critical consideration
for selecting a motor in these cases is to choose one whose speed-torque curve exceeds the load torque curve.Loads from centrifugal pumps, fans, blowers, compressors
with unloaded, and similar equipment tend to be variable over time. In choosing a
motor for these conditions, consider the highest continuous load point, which
typically occurs at the highest speed.
Step 2 : Get handle on Horse Power
The rule of thumb for motor horsepower is: Select only
what you need, and avoid the temptation to oversize or under size. Calculate the
required horsepower from this formula:
Horsepower = Torque x Speed / 5250
Where torque is in lb-ft and speed is in rpm.
Step 3 : Getting Started
Another consideration is inertia, particularly during start up. Every load represents some value of inertia, but punch presses, ball mills, crushers,
gearboxes that drive large rolls, and certain types of pumps require high starting torques
due to the huge mass of the rotating elements. Motors for these applications need to
have special ratings so that the temperature rise at start up does not exceed the allowable temperature limit. A properly sized
motor must be able to turn the load from a dead stop (locked-rotor torque),
pull it up to operating speed (pull-up torque), and then
maintain the operating speed. Motors are rated as one of four “design types”
for their ability to endure the heat of that starting and pull up. In ascending order of their
ability to start inertial loads, NEMA designates these as design type A, B, C, and D. Type B is the industry standard and is a
good choice for most commercial and industrial applications.
4: Adjust for duty cycle
cycle is the load that a motor must handle over the period when it starts,
runs, and stops.
Continuous duty is by far the
simplest and most efficient application. The duty cycle begins with start up,
then long periods of steady operation where the heat in the motor can stabilize
as it runs. A motor in continuous duty
can be operated safely at or near its rated capacity
because the temperature has a chance to stabilize.
Intermittent duty is more complicated.
The life of commercial airplanes is measured by their number of landings; in the same way, the life of a motor is
proportional to the number of starts
it makes. Frequent starts shorten life because inrush current at start up heats the conductor rapidly. Because of this heat,
motors have a limited number of starts and
stops that they can make in an hour.
Step 5 : The Last Consideration, Motor Hypoxia
If your
motor is going to operate at altitudes that are substantially above sea level,
then it will be unable to operate at its full service factor because, at
altitude, air is less dense and does not cool as well. Thus, for the motor to
stay within safe limits of temperature rise, it must be de-rated on a sliding scale. Up to an altitude of 3,300 ft, SF =
1.15; at 9000 ft, it declines to 1.00.
This is an important consideration for mining elevators, conveyors, blowers, and other equipment that operates at high
You Buy New or Rewind?
When you
have a motor failure you’ll need to decide if you should buy a new motor or fix the old one. A common cause of motor failure
is problems with the motor winding, and the solution often is to rewind the old motor. Because it is economical in
terms of initial cost, rewinding of motors is very
common particularly for motors of more than 10 horsepower. However, the motor
rewinding process often results in a loss of motor efficiency. It is generally cost-effective to replace motors under 10
horsepower with new high-efficiency motors rather than rewind
them. When deciding whether to buy a new motor or rewind the old one, consider
the cost difference between the rewind and a new high-efficiency motor, and the potential increase in energy costs of a
rewound motor that is less efficient than the original. The quality of the rewind as a big impact
on operating cost. A poorly rewound motor may lose up to 3% in efficiency. A 100 HP motor
may use several hundred dollars more in electricity
each year due to this drop in efficiency, compared to its original efficiency.
The operating cost may be even more compared to a new high efficiency motor.